Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Booklet - now in english

A first, draft version of the canne de combat booklet is available at:


Thursday, June 7, 2007

A booklet for the beginners

Two days before I decided to create a small booklet for kids and newcomers about Canne de Combat.

It is almost complete, you can check it at the following link:

I will do a translation of this booklet to english soon... If you have any idea about it, please post a comment ...

Monday, June 4, 2007

Body positioning

In some month ago I started to work with my body positions. That means, I was working on how to do movements faster, with more ease and balance.

I found out, that there is two versions of fente arriére.

  • The first version is: when you just go down, and your legs are in 90 degree.
  • The second version is: when the angle between your legs are more, than 90 degree.
The trick in the second version is, that you don't face your opponet like in boxing, but you show only your side. So, your hip does not point to your opponet, but to the side. When you try to do fente arriére so, you will be able to do that version.

Okay, there comes a question, what version should I use in a fight? Good question, that is improvement all about! Having good questions, and trying to find answers :)

Well, if your are far away from the opponet, use the first version. But, if your are close to the opponet, as you close the distance, automatically show him/her only your side. From this position, you can do the version 2, which is in this distance far much faster, than the version 1.
But be aware, from the side position you can throw brisé or croisé téte very hard, so it's better to recover to the normal stance, as you gain distance.