Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Poor man's stick

In some countries there is very hard to get an 'original' french made stick for CDC. The problem is, that it can ordered only in high volumes (50 pieces) or for a very huge price. However, in every country there exists some kind of wood, that is straight and light enough to be a temporary replacement of CDC stick. This is the reed. This is a light, straight kind of grass, with a hole inside. However you have to hardener this, because it can easily break.

You need the following things:

  • The reed (can be bought in every store)
  • Electronic tape (the white one)
  • Transparent tape
  • Super glue
  • Grip (can be bought in sport shops)
  • Emery paper
  • Measure tool
  • Saw
  • A pencil (for measure marking)
A picture about the tools (pencil is left out, sorry...)


1, Use the measure tool and take a mark with the pencil around 95-97 cm from the bottom of stick. Cut the stick with the saw to this length.

2, Use the emery paper to smooth the end of the stick, where you did the cut.

3, Use the transparent tape to strengthen the upper 1/4 part of the stick (the attacking part).

4, This is the result

5, Add the grip to the end of the stick. You should grip around 20 cm. Some people prefer a not so long gripping, only about 15 cm.

6, First try it out, what a long you will use from the grip. Note: when I write TRY, it means, you DO NOT USE a glue! If the grip is too wide (means it's not rare enough), then it will be hard to take a good hold on the grip. The trick is to grip like on the picture. When it's okay, and comfortable, you can do it for real (using the glue).

7, Use the super glue to glue the end of the grip to the end of the stick.

8, Make the gripping, and use the super glue again, but at the opposite end, at the top.
9, You can strengthen the end of the grip with electronic tape, too.
10, Enjoy the final result.

Have a good play!

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