Yesterday we had a nice training. I trained the basic techniques, and the voltes. I made same improvement in croisé téte, and it's a good thing. It is very interesting, that when i take off my weighted training trousers, and use only a light running short, my leg attacks are getting
worse. I will not go down so easy and so.. It seems that there is some kind of psychically thing around it...
Some information about CDC attacks:
There are 6 basic attack:
- brisé
- croisé téte
- lateral extérieur
- lateral croisé
- enlevé
- croisé bas
What I was working on was to speed up my attacks, and let my torso twist, as I arm. (Every attack must be armed, that means you must first pull your hand behind your spinal column)
The trick is that you should not first twist your body, then add your hand work, because it's very heavy, and requires a lots of energy. The trick is you pull your stick in a good direction, so that movement naturally twists your body.
I will post some videos about the techniques to my blog, and will talk about every attack on the level of my knowledge.
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